Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Just a nice little "first" blog =]...

Lately it's dawned on me: I'm getting old.

Well, not in the broad scheme of things. But it seems like just yesterday I was standing petrified outside of the "scary" middle school. Now I'm halfway through my senior year, left wondering where the time went!

It's scary, growing up. You have to start making decisions that are going to follow you the rest of your life. You have to start being responsible (ick), getting a job, applying for college, you know, all that fun stuff.

I wish I had known then what I know now: take advantage of the time you have of being a kid, messing around, having fun...because while it's fully possible (actually, certain) that you'll enjoy you're "adult" years, nothing beats the carefree lifestyle of a kid.

But hey, that's life, right?


  1. so you might want to think about changing the font color of your entry because it's black on a black background and i had to highlight nothingness (your entry) to read it. just a thought.

    i liked your post by the way. i feel ya.

  2. sorry, the font is purple on my computer

    but thanks dude...-ette
