Sunday, January 11, 2009

to be or not to be...responsible, that is

So basically, I hate responsibility.

I'm sitting here on the couch, with my ankle propped up and covered with a cold pack. I'm on pain meds, so it's quite possible this blog will not be coherent when I read it later on. oh well.

So here's my dilemma: my ankle is swollen and sore, (well, not at the moment, due to the afore-mentioned pain killers) and walking on crutches is not as fun as it looks. Actually, it's downright painful. Not only does it kill your underarms, but its drawing blood blisters on my hands. icky.

I have a doctors note I could use to get out of school tomorrow, but I feel like possibly I might miss something, like, oh, I don't know, exam reviews? (speaking of, my lit teacher would murder me if she saw all those commas)

So my responsible side is like "Taylor, you ARE going to school tomorrow, and you're going to like it".

And then the teenager side of me insists "Taylor, I mean really, you're going to fail your calculus exam anyways, and you can use the time to work on your essay. Take the extra day."

So yeah, the battle is raging inside my head. And no, I'm not schizo. lol.
But seeing as how its already past 10 at night, and my pain medication is only making me loopy, and not tired (its really frustrating) I'm not seeing sleep coming for quite a while. I'm betting on the teenager inside of me to win =]

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